
Monday, 7 May 2012

Race 12: MTBO Sprint, Czech Republic, 07/05/2012

I think John Rawdon has done something really bad because it was always sunny in Czech Republic until the moment he went to the start tapes. For three days running the heavens opened and it rained like crazy the moment he got there. When I was doing the world cup that was fine because I'd finished my race ages ago, but today my start time was unfortunately 2 mins after John. We got to the start tape and the heavens opened. I had my red cap on under my helmet, looking very stylish, to try and keep the rain off my glasses.

The cap was great at stopping the rain, but brushing past trees was a bit of an issue and if I got up any speed the muddy water from the ground absolutely covered them. So vision was a little sketchy. I had to wipe the map board every time I needed to look at it and peer through the rain to see what was there, but it was just about OK.

I kept seeing John, thought I was gaining on him but then he disappeared and I thought he had given me the slip. But unfortunately he'd gone wrong, probably through not being able to see.

The route was good, it went through the forest a bit and into the village. There wasn't much urban, which was probably a good thing because the roads were the worst for rain. As soon as we'd finished the sun came back out!