The relay was another open area race, which meant it was cycling in a desert. It was ultra hot and there was a lot of waiting around too as I was the third leg. I like watching the start of the relay because on the whistle rider number 1 picks up the map and sprints to their bike. They hop on and race off, without any time to look at the map.
Emily was first and she came in 15th, she tagged Pippa and that meant I only had another 45 mins or so to wait. There were two spectator controls, one about half way round and the other just near the end. When we spotted Pippa at the second one I poured a bottle of water over myself and waited for her to get in. She'd done really well and we were 12th I think when she got back.
I had to sprint up a hill and around the corner to get my map. Most controls were off paths and I was really not in my comfort zone at all. The heat was horrendous and my route resembled a spiders web! I was looking around all over the place for just about every one. I just wanted it to be over. The last part after the spectator control was great! If only the rest had been that way. We ended up 17th. I put this one down as character building!